
DicksonCountyHistory.com was created by Justin Spurlock. Justin is a history teacher at Dickson County High School and a part time realtor at Red Bird Realty. The motivation behind starting the website was to preserve our local history.

In addition to maintaining this website, Justin writes for the local newspaper and hosts a weekly radio show. Justin's articles about local history are published in The Dickson Post every Wednesday. Justin also hosts a radio show on WDKN on Saturday morning.

Justin Spurlock on WDKN

Justin's radio career began in 1999 when he started off as an intern with WDKN when he was still in high school. Within a few years, Justin was producing shows for radio hall of famer Warren Medley and had his own show on the air Saturday mornings.

WDKN is Dickson's only live and local radio station. It was started in 1955 and served Dickson for several decades before ultimately closing down.

A few years ago Kenneth Forte revived the radio station and convinced Justin to return to the air!